151 Calibro 35, Milano, early June 2015_01 easy

152 Calibro 35, Milano, early June 2015_02 easy

Me and my friend Federico Ramponi – who was the curator of my first solo exhibition in September 2014 – are fans of poliziesco italiano, poliziottesco,  and noir movies. Goofin’ around town we’ve discovered a red Alfetta. It’s the perfect set for a b&w photo session inspired by the 1970s movies we love so much. [Pictures taken with Sony α 3000]


Ceschi San, early April 2015 b&w_easy

Ceschi-san (self-portrait), Milano, early April 2015 [Sony α 3000]

Have you ever wondered how you would look in the role of a samurai? Failing to photograph your cat because she’s never still? Are you fed up with the usual portraits? Do you want to upset your family album with powerful b&w portraits? Contact for a photo session: or