The collaboration with The Bluebeaters goes on: A black and white frame (taken at Blumusica, Turin, Spring 2022) chosen for the cover of the new single Trinity originally recorded by Italian composer Franco Micalizzi. Musicians portrayed in black and white on a red background: A classic.


Collaborating with The Bluebeaters: it meant marrying my cultural background to that of the musicians and identifying a visual and sonic continuity between “me” and “them”. 

PRESENT: Turin and Milan, today. 

PAST: Coventry and London in the late Seventies. 

A melting pot of… Sounds, experiences and dreams: all recorded in black and white… as it came.  

CLICK after CLICK… Coventry and London… CLICK after CLICK… Milan and Turin… An exciting roundtrip. CLICK after CLICK… The Bluebeaters and… The soul of The Specials…